St. Gerald Youth Ministry provides faith education and social activities for middle school and high school teens. We are dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable venue for parish teens and their friends to gather, grow and give.
Grow in Faith
Give as Jesus did
Confirmation: Middle school students who have been through at least two consecutive years
of family formation will prepare for and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
7th & 8th Grade Confirmation Prep classes meet every other Monday from 5:30 to 6:45 pm September
to April. We will join St. Aidan & St. Priscilla Parishes in a combined Confirmation Retreat
and also Sacrament Ceremony to be held at St. Aidan Church on Saturday, May 10, 2025.
Teens meet, plan and participate in various service outreach activities in our community. See St. Gerald Facebook page, parish calendar or bulletin for dates and details.
For schedule information or questions about St.Gerald youth activities
please call Gerryanna Luscri at 248-476-7677 ext 208.